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FIFe Functionaries

Click below to view the members of the different Commissions, as well as the Controllers and the Administrators of FIFe.

FIFe Commissions


View controllers


View administrators

Disciplinary Commission

The Disciplinary Commission is composed of 5 members and is responsible for reviewing disciplinary matters and making recommendations in their regard to the Executive Board.


Mrs. Anne Paloluoma


Mr. Joeri Vanrusselt


Health & Welfare Commission

The Health & Welfare Commission is composed of 3 members and is responsible for representing the FIFe on all matters concerning the health & welfare of the cat. It is concerned with gathering information on health & welfare of cats and distributing such information as requested by the Members. This Commission is responsible for liaising with the Judges & Standards Commission and the Show Commission on matters which relate to the health & welfare of cats.


Mrs. Sara Moroni


Mrs. Petra Černá DVM
United States

Judges & Standards Commission

The Judges & Standards Commission is composed of 6 members. Each FIFe category is represented by at least 2 members who are International Judges qualified in that category. This commission is responsible for:

  • studying the admission of new breeds
  • establishing standards applicable to such new breeds
  • modifying the standards of recognised breeds
  • maintaining the Rules for Judges and Student Judges
  • administering a training programme for Student Judges
  • the further education of existing Judges


Mrs. Donatella Mastrangelo
All Breed Judge, Italy


Mr. Steven L. Jones
All Breed Judge, Norway


Mr. Francesco Cinque
Judge for categories 1, 3 & 4, Italy

Mrs. Satu Hämäläinen
All Breed Judge, Finland

Mrs. Yulia Skabovska
Judge for categories 3 & 4, France

Mr. Mirosław Skotarczyk
Judge for categories 1 & 2, Poland

Breeding & Registration Commission

The Breeding & Registration Commission is composed of 3 members, all of whom have kept a pedigree register in their own organisation for a period of at least three years and have been breeding for at least three years. The commission is responsible for maintaining the registration rules and standardising the regulations relating to records of origin in conformity with the standards and rules presently in place.


Mrs. Sarah Johnson
United Kingdom


Mrs. Maria Myrland

Show Commission

The Show Commission is composed of 5 members and is responsible for the concept of shows and the modifications necessary to ensure efficient organisation of such shows and the correct application of show rules.


Commission for Public Relations

The Commission for Public Relations shall be responsible for:

  • developing a communication strategy to promote FIFe worldwide as a leading organization in the cat fancy
  • supporting the Executive Board and the other Commissions of FIFe in their external communication and writing/editing texts
  • maintaining press contacts
  • developing and managing FIFe’s communication tools, such as website, leaflets, communication magazines and newsletters
  • the development and management of social media channels
  • developing and providing presentations / marketing material for the promotion of FIFe
  • supporting FIFe Members in their national communication policy.


position vacant


position vacant


1 position vacant


Two Controllers and two Assistants are appointed by the General Assembly for a period of three years to control the accounts and the Balance Sheet of the FIFe and subsequently prepare a report on their findings for the General Assembly. They may not be members of any other official body of the FIFe. The Controllers have the right to inspect the books and other documents kept by the FIFe Treasurer at any time.


Mr. Timo Kanniainen
The Netherlands

1 position vacant


Mr. Hans Boskär

Mr. George Dorgiakis


The FIFe Board has appointed the following functionaries to assist the General Secretary in specific aspects of his work.

Breed Council Administrator

Mrs. Nathalie Smits-Peelen
The Netherlands

Cattery Name Administrator

Please use the online cattery application
form for new requests!

This feature is only accessible for FIFe Members, by using the Login option on the website.

Show Calendar Administrator

Mrs. Dorte Kaae