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FIFe Health & Welfare

The FIFe Feline Fund is an initiative dedicated to advancing research in feline health and promoting healthy breeding practices.

The fund has its own page on this website.

Articles will be added on a regular basis, the most recent article appears first in the list below.

Dominant Blue Eyes: A Call for Responsible Breeding

Dominant Blue Eyes (DBE) is a captivating trait becoming popular, especially in Maine Coons, characterised by striking blue eyes in cats that do not carry the traditional blue-eyed gene.

While undeniably beautiful, DBE in this breed has become increasingly prevalent in the last few years, raising concerns among feline geneticists and breeders worldwide.

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Facing the Challenges: Safeguarding the Persian and Exotic Breeds

The Persian, with its captivating beauty and gentle demeanor, has long held a cherished place in the hearts of cat enthusiasts worldwide. As one of the oldest and most recognisable breeds, its history within FIFe is deeply intertwined with the organisation’s own evolution.

Over the years, dedicated breeders have tirelessly worked to refine the breed standard, focusing on health and well-being while preserving the distinctive characteristics that make Persians so beloved. Read more

Individual breeders may contact their local FIFe organisation.

FIFe Members may contact the Commission via the FIFe General Secretary.