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Obituary – Mrs. Tellervo Kass

Suomen Kissaliitto informed the FIFe Board that the International Category 1 & 2 Judge, Mrs. Tellervo Kass from Finland passed away on Sunday the 6th of October 2024 at the age of 81 years. She died peacefully, surrounded by her family but exhausted by her illness, which she had been fighting for many years.

Tellervo joined the cat fancy in 1983 and bred mostly Sacred Birmans but also Norwegian Forest Cats, Ragdolls and Russian Blue, under her cattery name “Neige-Cristal´s”. She was very active in the cat fancy as treasurer of the Finnish Member for many years and president of the clubs ERY-SYD and Alfa Felis. She was also a very active and successful exhibitor. Tellervo passed her judge´s exam in category II in 1992 followed by category I in 1996.

The Board of FIFe extends its sincere condolences to her husband, son and daughter and other family and friends and the Finnish FIFe Member Suomen Kissaliitto.