The FIFe Board was informed that the Vice-President of Felis Hungarica, László (Laca) Pál, died in a tragic diving accident last Tuesday in Tenerife. Laca was only 52 years old.
Last weekend, Laca was still actively involved in the organisation of the FH show in Budapest, where he also moderated the BIS and everyone who heard the news of his death is truly in shock and unbelief.
Laca entered the FIFe cat fancy with a lot of élan, together with his wife, Judit Tóth, over 20 years ago and they exhibited their cats all over Europe. He felt at home in this crazy world of cat shows and shared his enthusiasm with all he met. Their cattery, Alba Regia, was and is synonym with winning Burmese cats and numerous World Winners. Those who met Laca will always remember his broad smile, sense of humour, helpfulness and unique personality, always working hard to do what he did best; enjoying life and trying to make every day a party day.
Laca will be sorely missed by us all and the Board of FIFe extends its sincere condolences to his wife, Judit, his daughter, son-in-law and granddaughter and the rest of his family and friends and the Hungarian FIFe Member Felis Hungarica.