Yesterday, the 17th of July 2023, the FIFe Board was informed by its Argentinean Member, AFA, of the death, after a prolonged illness, of the Honorary and International All Breed FIFe Judge Mr. Beat Rettenmund. Beat would have celebrated his 71st birthday in a few weeks.

Beat, who was born in Switzerland, joined a club of the Swiss Member FFH in 1974 and bred Abyssinians, Siamese and Orientals under the cattery name Puen Chan´s. Later, he also bred Devon Rex. For quite some years, he was actively involved in FFH as Board member and chairman of the Breeding Commission and he was president of the club Ebocat of which he was Honorary President.
Beat was FIFe Vice-President from 1988 until 1991 and a member of the FIFe Judges & LO Commission from 1986 until 1992, when he moved to Argentina.
He passed his judges exam in category IV in 1983, in category III in 1984 and was a national judge in categories I and II until 2004, when he was appointed international for these categories.
Beat was very active in expanding and promoting FIFe in Latin and South America and supported all members there.
Beat will be sorely missed, and the FIFe Board extends its sincere condolences to Beat’s long year partner, Renato, his family and friends and the Argentinean FIFe Member AFA.